Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Gate Keepers.

The Gate Keepers have my attention.  The Gate Keepers, is a web-based series hosted by Damon Dash's Creative Control site,  features "Sneed" and "The Chad" two New York City night club door men.  In the series the two St. Peters talk of all the tall tales that coincides with working in night life.  The wild anecdotes and personal narratives add some perspective to a job that is usually characterized as rude and shallow. 

The show has avoided what many projects fall prey to, GIPE (Good Ideas Poorly Executed).  You can imagine how refreshing it is to see a good idea properly executed.  The show concept is a good idea because it's a voice that has yet to be heard; but what really keeps me coming back for more is the artfulness of its production value.  The show masterfully marries cinematic shots with complementing music, creating this lovely tableau that truly captures the zeitgeist of New York.  Furthermore, I love the show's romantic noir undertone about New York City; it reminds why I love to call this place home.

Take a looksee:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pipe Dreams! Only in New York.

Right now somewhere in Mississippi there is a 12 year old not-so-straight boy watching archive Bob Fosse routines on YouTube.  Practicing and praying that all his years as president of the Drama club results in a starring role on Broadway--he'll take a supporting role, but only if he has to. 
People everywhere identify the City of New York as a place where dreams come true.  And it isn't some self-confabulated idea either, every movie from "Miracle on 34th Street" to "Sex and the City 2" has celebrated the grandeur of New York. 
As much as this city is cosmopolitan and cultured, it is also gritty and grimy.  That's the real beauty of New York; the dichotomy of things that would be so wrong everywhere else except here--million dollar condos across the street from the projects--that's the new New York.  Living in New York on the day-to-day you will indubitably hear and see some off that wall shit.  Some of which I document, I couldn't make this up if I tried.

In someone's window: